I received that message about four years ago, when I thought I had my purpose figured out.
As I said yes to that divine assignment, the most wondrous and beautiful teachings started pouring in, some ancient, some new.
One particular teaching that has become critical to easeful creativity and productivity has been to stop working in linear time and follow the cycles of the moon.
Yes, Grandmother Moon has been calling me to share her gifts. For the ambitious, high achieving woman, these teachings are profound!
If you are tired of pushing, forcing, controlling and want to invite more ease, grace and flow, start synching with the cycles of the moon.
Throughout your whole life you have been operating in a paradigm that does not honor your feminine cycles, or the cycles of nature. So you end up tired, at times working hard and feeling like nothing gets done and you start to lose touch with yourself, with your joy and purpose in life.
I have news for you, your body and soul are not meant to work at the same pace and with the same creativity during the whole month.
Did you know that before artificial light was created women would bleed during the new moon? Their bodies were in synch with that inward phase of darkness, reflection and rest. Not only that, they knew it was a time when the veil is thinned and therefore intuition and connection to the spirit realm heightened.
So… if you are looking for answers about what is next, hearing clear guidance and getting rid of the noise this email is for you!!
We have a New Moon today, we are in the stage of new birth, the time for planting seeds, the phase of new creations and launching projects.
As the energy of the moon starts to increase, things start to feel light, full of possibility, potential and freedom.
This particular New Moon is in Gemini and it offers the opportunity to commit to your goals and desires. Perhaps it is a good time to reevaluate them and go back to basics by writing down your intentions for the month and do a New Moon Ritual (see below) or create a new vision board for your great impact and grand plan.
Read this article I was recently featured in to get some inspiration: “Vision Board Ideas: How 7 Spiritual Leaders Use Their Boards”
This New Moon offers the opportunity to improve our communication skills by:
- Listening without judgement.
- Being open to other’s points of views without making them wrong.
- Knowing there is no one ‘right’ answer.
- Using harmony and non-violence in your thoughts and spoken words.
Can you imagine what it would feel like to be completely seen and feel completely safe and so close to another?
This is the power of working with this New Moon!
So how do you put this all together and really make it work for you while feeling spiritually connected and grounded?
Do a new moon ritual!
Here is mine:
- Prepare Your Space
Ideally you will do this at your altar. If you don’t have one yet, choose some place that
feels grounding and comforting.
Dust things off, remove what is no longer needed.
Get your sage ready, your journal and pen and your four elements (see below).
- Take a Ritual Bath
Water is a wonderful way to work with lunar energy. It is the symbol of the feminine, it
washes away the old as well as toxins (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). Add
epsom salts and essential oils to your bath ritual and let yourself relax and get ready for
being quiet with the new moon.
- Cleanse Your Space and Yourself
Use sage to clear any energies in the room and then to clear your auric field.
- Create Sacred Space with the 4 Elements
Bring in the 4 Elements:
Water in the South
Fire in the West (you can use a candle)
Earth in the East (you can use any crystal, I love moonstone for this, as it is the
“Goddess Stone.” It is cleansing, uplifting and vibrates divine feminine wisdom.
Air in the North (incense or a feather)
- Invite in the Divine
Call in the 4 Directions, your guides, your Higher Self, whatever feels best in the
- Release
Journal about what has been on your mind that you want to let go of, so you can reach a
place of emptiness.
Remember you will be setting intentions for new beginnings, so anything you are still
holding onto that doesn’t serve where you want to go, needs to be released and let go of.
- Write your desires and/or bring your vision board
Write down your desires.
Set your intention for this next cycle and its impact on your bigger vision.
Remember that what you focus on becomes magnified, this is living your life by design!
- Express Gratitude
Read each desire or look at each image and out loud say thank you with great joy and
excitement, as if it is already here, as if it is already done.
- Ask for Divine Guidance
Look at your desires and intentions or your vision board images and ask for Divine
guidance from Grandmother Moon. This is my most favorite part of the ritual, as I start to
feel a deep connection not just with the Moon, but with the Universe and Great Spirit.
You can use questions like:
What message do I need to hear about my intentions and desires?
What do I need to know about the next step on my path?
How can I improve my communication and deepen my intimacy?
How can I hold higher levels of love and light?
You can also use oracle cards to receive Divine guidance on those questions and next
- Close by Thanking Grandmother Moon for Sealing Your Visions And Intentions:
Grandmother Moon,
Thank you for you for new beginnings and second chances
I shed the past like the snake sheds its skin
I plant the seeds for a new cycle of creation
I open myself to infinite possibilities and divine insight
Thank you for holding my intentions in your light
For sealing my dreams and visions with your Feminine wisdom.
Thank you for guiding me back to the rhythms of the Universe
For illuminating my path
So I can unfold in Divine perfection