Ready to tap into powerful energies that can help you work less and receive more?

It’s happening today with the Equinox Gateway!!

The word “equinox” comes from Latin and means “equal night,” referring to the 12-hour day and 12-hour night that occurs only on the two equinox days of the year.

The Fall Equinox is a meaningful time of year to honor the harvest of your work and restore balance. It is also a time for expansion and making space for greater visions to come in the new year.

So today, you have the opportunity to go about your busy day, like you usually do.


Use this incredible time to pause and…

  • Magnify your Source connection.
  • Correct the Spiritual Misalignments that have allowed you to live in a way that doesn’t match your Divine Destiny.
  • Create Energetic Space to Receive More
  • Heal Imbalances, both personal and collective

In order to use the Earth Equinox energies to support you, I invite you to practice a powerful ritual. I already did it myself this morning!

  1. Prepare Your Space

           Ideally you will do this outdoors. If that’s not an option, you can do it at your altar. 
           Dust things off, remove what is no longer needed.
           Get your sage ready, your journal and pen and your four elements (see below). 

  1. Cleanse Your Space and Yourself

           Use sage to clear any energies in the room (if indoors) and then to clear your
           auric field.

  1. Create Sacred Space with the 4 Elements

           Bring in the 4 Elements:

           Water in the South
           Fire in the West (you can use a candle)
           Earth in the East (you can use any crystal, I love moonstone for this, as it is the
           “Goddess Stone.” It is cleansing, uplifting and vibrates divine feminine wisdom.
           Air in the North  (incense or a feather)

  1. Invite in the Divine

           Call in the 4 Directions, your guides, your Higher Self, whatever feels best in the

  1. Restore Balance  

           Journal a conversation with your Higher Self with some timely questions:

  • In what area of my life am I out of balance?

           Mind, body, spirit, work, service, romance, friendships, relationship with my
           environment and/or Mama Gaia, Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine, etc?

  • Where have I fallen into victim instead of being a true Co-Creatress?
  • How can I bring more balance for myself and the collective?


           Harvest by honoring everything you are already blessed with, honor your
           accomplishments, your growth and expansion.

           Consciously shift any lack mindset into wildly abundance mindset.

  1. Create New Space and Greater Visions

           After restoring balance by letting go of what no longer serves you and inviting in the
           vibrations of expansion and abundance, you are now ready to receive more and for
           your vision to grow.

           Journal about the following:

           What is your new vision?

           What does it feel like?

           What do you get to experience in this vision?

  1. Express Gratitude

           Read each vision and out loud say thank you with great joy and excitement, as if it is
           already here, as if it is already done.

  1. Close by Thanking Mama Gaia for Her Cycles and for Sealing Your Visions And Intentions:

           Mama Gaia,

           Thank you for your cycles of death and renewal
           And for the generous abundance I have received

           Today I release what I no longer need
           I welcome greater visions, sacred creativity and divine insight

           I celebrate the blooms of this past cycle of creation 
           And the bountiful Goddess within

           Thank you for holding my intentions in your light
           For sealing my dreams and visions with your Feminine wisdom

           Thank you for guiding me back to the rhythms of the Universe
           For illuminating my path
           So I can unfold in Divine perfection

May you experience higher levels of PEACE, JOY, LOVE and ABUNDANCE.
The divine in me bows to the divine in you.