To inquire about Elite Mentoring, please fill out this brief form:

You are not here to just be an influencer, be sought after or make good money. You are here to live your highest calling and Divine blueprint, to leave a legacy that utterly redefines and transforms the world. 

You are no longer willing to sacrifice your health, happiness, relationships or unique expression. You desire your next chapter to be rich in ease, pleasure, purpose, transcendent love, deep self knowing and spiritual guidance.

This next chapter doesn’t follow a script or a roadmap, the answers come from a higher version of you.

I call her your Creatress.

She is the one that creates from the feminine with divine grace and flow. She is powerful beyond measure, magnetic and spiritually guided. She is the bold warrioress and the confident goddess. She is Divine.

I am here to take you on a new quest to find your Creatress and lead from her powerful center.

This journey demands that you elevate beyond your deepest shadows and fears, beyond comparison, limitations, perfectionism, and beyond the masculine paradigms of force and control. It is an all inclusive spiritual voyage that holds space for goddess wealth, radiant health, erotic magic, epic love, up-leveled conscious relationships and playing the BIG game of Divine Creation.

Are you ready to join me in this enlightened playing field?

Your Creatress operates in alignment with your Divine Design. She receives answers, inspiration, spiritual truth and direction from higher realms.

I am here to help you connect to those spiritual realms and unlock a secret power that is already inside of you. You will  awaken the divinity in you and turn on your spiritual gifts, illuminated creative expression and feminine radiance. Leading from this divine feminine power will grant you levels of freedom that you have never experienced before.

I am here to guide you to true spiritual self mastery and unapologetic expression of your truth. You know your time is Now, you feel deeply the karmic acceleration. Your desire to be on the forefront of consciousness and lead this grand paradigm shift is not just alive for you, it is on fire.

Elite Mentoring

Powerful changemakers and leaders choose to work with me when they are looking to push their edges and enter a new enlightened playing field and leadership paradigm.

I offer private and individually curated programs. We can either work one on one or you can join a small group of powerhouse women in my Creatress Circle.

Inquire here via this brief application:

“After building my business to cross the seven figure mark, I knew that I still had blind spots that were holding me back. I had a sense that there were subconscious and limiting programs that only an elite advisor could help me uncover. I was finding myself hitting the same ceilings professionally and personally each year.

After working with countless coaches and mentors (and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars) each time I would only move the needle incrementally. Then I met Solara and I knew she could guide me to do the internal work to create exponential results.

Working with Solara has rapidly addressed blocks to my next level of success, shed programs and patterns that no longer serve me, and helped me uncover my voice. I have tapped into my sovereign power. Her ability to offer accountability with grace is healing and offers the fast track to see the truth. As I have stepped into my power, and become clear in what I stand for, my business and relationships have begun to thrive in a new way. Solara has a beautiful way of blending energetic and healing modalities with this world to help you achieve your goals. I feel like a new woman. Solara has shown me that our birthright as women is to lead a life of absolute self-expression.”

– S.B.

“When I first heard that Solara was a spiritual coach who helps women heal and step back into their ‘feminine power’, I was intrigued and wanted to know more. I signed up for her coaching program and retreat not knowing this would be the beginning of an exciting and fulfilling new direction for my life.

I’ve always loved personal development, but no matter how much content I received, there was always a part of me wondering if there was more. Solara’s guidance is that MORE. She was able to help me trust and tap into my inner guidance, instead of using my ‘thinking’ brain to push it aside. She has an amazing ability to help others see their truth and purpose, which is something I had spent years trying to uncover.

This work has not been easy, however, the level of fulfillment, freedom, peace and joy that I am now experiencing is thanks to her impeccable guidance. I am eternally grateful to Solara for lighting the way for others to lead their own amazing journey!”

– M.M 

“And then, nothing was the same! Until I completed many months of intensive work with Solara, I did not fully comprehend my purpose or my feminine power. I had also not given myself permission to explore and embrace it with full abandon. After digging into the depths of vulnerability and possibility, and having many assumptions and life patterns challenged and rewired for the better, I emerged with a true connection to my own feminine essence. A clear path to live by spiritual principles and stay in high vibration energy emerged. Now every day in my life and business is pure joy and meaningful! A life- changing experience.”

– L.C.

“Solara is an ‘extraordinary’ coach. I have worked with coaches from numerous backgrounds and credentials. None have been able to so effortlessly help me see what keeps me stuck in the way she does and then move me to specific actions that make my goals attainable. I have already experienced high levels of success in my career and in my life, however, I am now focused on leaving a legacy and realizing my full potential. If this is your desire too, you need someone on your team who knows how to train you to ‘believe that you can’ no matter how big your dream is.”

– J.R.

“Through my work with Solara, I realized and claimed my purpose, I stand in my power, I’m uncovering and developing all the hidden gifts that I possess and I have had my mind blown open to what’s possible in all areas of my life. She unwaveringly holds the higher vision for me which allows me to rise up to it. My life since starting to coach with Solara will never be the same and I will be eternally grateful.”

– L.M.

“Before working with Solara, I did not have the urgency to do what I needed to do because I had doubts about my “soul’s purpose”. Solara was able to help me work toward my goals of becoming an income earning actress, and grow my spirituality to a level that I am aware of the signs and answers I receive. I am making all the changes to live the life I always dreamed of. I had my first audition for a major network show within months of working with Solara.”

– S.H.

“Within 6 months of working with Solara, I’ve been able to manifest some really amazing that I had wanted for a long time. I had a clarity that allowed me to focus on what I really wanted and implement the changes to make it happen. Even after finishing our one on one work, I continue to implement her advice from her weekly emails. They’re not only inspirational but truly helpful. Whether you believe in another side or not, Solara’s work is life changing.”

– K.M.

“The last 6 months have been an incredible experience of inestimable value. Solara’s helped me discover so much about myself. I have learned how to uncover my fears and doubts that were holding me back. Thanks to the work I am full of energy and I have reached a state of inner peace that I never thought I could experience. Working with her has been a true privilege and I have learned to live I life I adore.”

– C.G.

“The last 6 months have been an incredible experience of inestimable value. Solara’s helped me discover so much about myself. I have learned how to uncover my fears and doubts that were holding me back. Thanks to the work I am full of energy and I have reached a state of inner peace that I never thought I could experience. Working with her has been a true privilege and I have learned to live I life I adore.”

– C.G.

“A short talk given by Solora aroused my interest. Now I am designing my future and my business skillfully. She steers me towards accomplishing my goals without distractions, without becoming discouraged or wasting any more time. Her capacity to inspire you to take action and be your most powerful feminine self is what defines her.”

– B.C.

“I have been working with Solara for almost a year and it has been a truly great experience. Our coaching sessions are fun, fruitful and stimulating! She has been a guide and an excellent support through the changes in my overall lifestyle during the past year. I am happy to count with Solara’s skills, knowledge and encouraging energy to make the desired changes in my life.”

– N.D.

“Solara has helped me get to the root of a lot of issues very quickly, get clear on my life’s purpose and she unveiled my guides. Since working with her, I am extremely confident I am on the right path. I feel more grounded and in touch with myself. I am overwhelmingly grateful to the tools she has given me & will cherish her support & loyalty throughout this lifetime.”

– A.I.

“I approached Solara to step into my potential and live my purpose. I noticed changes from the very first session. Now not only do I manage my stress better, I feel focused and confident. Solara has given me tools and strategies to achieve my goals. I would recommend her to anyone who would like to make personal changes, strive further and become more aware of that which you have always wanted to change, but that is not easy to do alone.”

– P.A.

© 2020 Raquel Vasallo. All rights reserved